Driving a motorcycle especially after the pandemic has become a popular mode of transportation, whether for personal use or public service. A lot of people now know how to drive a motorcycle but not every motorcyclist has the sufficient knowledge and skills needed to drive a motorbike vehicle smoothly. Cornering is one of those challenging aspects of motorcycle riding.
The driving technique that has something to do with navigating through a curve or turn is what we call cornering. It is very important to learn proper and effective skills in cornering the motorbike because the other way around may lead to loss of control or worse accidents. So, an advanced motorcycle training course is necessary. In this course, you will get hold of the advanced cornering techniques that will make you an expert in the art of smooth turns.
This blog will take you to the next level of driving a motorbike, advancing your cornering technique for smarter and safer motorcycling.
Understanding the Dynamics of Cornering
Cornering involves balancing the forward momentum of the bike and the lateral forces produced by the turn. This balance can be achieved by leaning the vehicle into the curve, but in advanced cornering, it requires more than that. There must be a harmonious blend of body positioning, throttle control, and line selection.
Body Positioning: The Key to Stability
Upon approaching a corner on the road, lean your bike and body simultaneously to the curve. However, this lean will always depend on how fast are you driving and the sharpness of the curve.
Always look forward, focusing on the exit of the turn. This “looking through the turn” method helps your body naturally align with the desired direction.
For more precise control of the handlebars, you should maintain a relaxed upper body and refrain from stiffening your arms.
Throttle Control: Smooth and Steady
The throttle of the bike has a very significant function, controlling the amount of fuel and air that enters the engine, thus regulating the vehicle’s speed. Mismanagement of this part will lose stability which is very essential in cornering.
Before entering the corner, the motorcyclist should reduce his speed and stabilize the bike before leaning, so most of the braking should occur here.
With advanced cornering technique, trail braking will be lightly applied on the front brake while beginning the turn so that the weight is shifted onto the front tire. This technique is recommended to manage speed and increase traction.
And when you’re in the curve while the bike is leaned over, you can now gradually roll on the throttle as you approach the exit. With this, stability is regained and you’ll have a smooth transition to an upright position again.
Mastering Counter-Steering
If you want to turn right, gently push the right handlebar forward initiating your body to lean in the same direction. This counterintuitive cornering motion will build muscle memory and confidence.
Line Selection: Choosing the Best Path
The path you choose to run your vehicle is your “line”, and you should maintain a line that keeps you visible and allows room for adjustments. The advanced cornering technique will tell you to avoid crossing the centerline on blind corners and be always alert for hazards like debris or incoming traffic.
Take time to take an advanced riding course where professional instructors will improve your skills and provide feedback while you master the different techniques of driving the motorbike.